King Sobhuza II

“The most disturbing factor which I think is the source of all trouble in Africa is fear.”

King Sobhuza II


“All that the African people seek to achieve is to be able to face their own problems themselves rather than have things done for them by some other person.”

King Sobhuza II


“We should now look for a way which will make us feel at home, feel that we are quite secure in this country, but how shall we go about getting this security that we seek? Even if there are difficulties I don’t think that they are insurmountable.

King Sobhuza II


“Yes it is quite true that we should copy those good practices that the Europeans have, but when we come to consider what is this democracy of which they speak you ultimately get lost in the idea.”

King Sobhuza II


“I do not see how we can try to adopt European ways of doing things which we don’t know.”

King Sobhuza II


“If only we could be able to extricate Africa from this idea of one man, one vote, I am sure we would have achieved our objective.”

King Sobhuza II



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