Louis Farrakhan
“If we don’t make earnest moves toward real solutions, then each day we move one day closer to revolution and anarchy in this country. This is the sad, and yet potentially joyous, state of America.”
We are all gifted, but we have to discover the gift, uncover the gift, nurture and develop the gift and use it for the Glory of God and for the liberation struggle of our people.
There really can be no peace without justice. There can be no justice without truth. And there can be no truth, unless someone rises up to tell you the truth.
I’m not dangerous on my own. God, The Lord of the Worlds, made me dangerous to Satan and his world.
You don’t live life searching for pleasure. You live life searching for purpose for your life.
All our organizations will fail if the love of the Creator is not at the root of it. Because any gift that you have, you didn’t give it to yourself.
I want to share whatever my Teacher taught me with you so that the mind of God that’s in me will be in you. Paul said, “Let this mind be in you, the same that was in Christ Jesus.” Jesus was offering you God’s mind.
Most of our great female artists die broken because the men in their lives didn’t understand the value of that woman. We don’t know how to handle women with greatness. We want to be big men, but we’re frightened by intelligent women.
Do you give equal justice to the people working under your leadership? Do you make people bow down to you or do you encourage yourself and them to bow down to the Creator and free themselves so that they can rise like cream to the top?
No matter what gift you have, you have to know how to use it in accord with the nature of God and the nature of your being. Then your gift will bring fruit and multiply good.
Young people will follow us if they know that we are for their success and we are willing to share with them the knowledge of our life experience so that they won’t make the mistakes that we have made starting from scratch.
Each one of us has a work to perform during our lifetime. And if we are true to the gift that God has given us; if we are true to the principle of love, then we will adore the ancestors who laid the foundation that we stand on today.
Love is the only force that will put errant ego to rest.
There’s another generation depending on what we do with our time that we can pass them the baton of time so that the struggle will continue until victory is ours. It is only vanity that makes us think that victory should come in the time of our lives.
Some of us are so envious of young people that if we see that they have something to offer, instead of helping them up, we try to crush them.
The real Jesus is so heavy, in truth, that when he does his work, he seals up the book. No need for another prophet ever because when prophets come it means something is wrong. When Jesus finishes, evil is ended.
You don’t realize that every time you look in the mirror, you’re looking at the Handiwork of God. Every time you greet a fellow human being, you’re looking at the Handiwork of God.